Recipe Lemonade the Perfect Really delicious

Recipe Lemonade the Perfect Really delicious

  • Shatabdi Pandey
  • Shatabdi Pandey
  • Mar 29, 2022

Good morning we are going to share those Are looking for a lemonade recipe that is interesting The method of making it is very not difficult. Just need patience and persistence. So that lemonade has aroma and taste that able arouse appetite.

In order for the taste of lemonade, you need to do first from the type of ingredients, then selection of ingredients that are fresh until how to make and serve it. No need Confused if want to prepare lemonade good as long as you know the trick and how to make this dish you can be treat very special.

Ingredients and seasonings used for prepare
  1. Prepare 1/4 cup sugar
  2. Prepare 2-3 lemon
  3. Prepare 4-5 Mint leaves
  4. Use 1 litre water

Pour lemonade over a glass of ice, squeeze slice of lemon on top, and garnish with a sprig of mint. Mix the lemonade: Pour the juice and the simple syrup sugar water into a serving pitcher. Add more water if you would like it to be more diluted (though note that when you add ice, it will melt and naturally dilute the lemonade). If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more.

Step by step to make Lemonade:
  1. In a bowl, squeeze the lemon juice and keep aside.
  2. In another bowl add the sugar and same quantity water and mix well till the sugar is dissolved. If you are in a hurry, then just heat the sugar water mixture in microwave for 1 minute and then stir to dissolve the sugar. Add the lemon juice with this mixture.
  3. Now in a glass bottle or jug, add the mixture and fill the remaining portion with water. Add the mint leaves. Keep in refridgerator.
  4. Before serving, add 2-3 ice cubes in an empty glass, pour the lemonade, garnish with lemon slice and mint leaves.
  5. Done and ready to serve!

Let cool, then pour into an ice-filled pitcher. Lyrical Lemonade Presents:Internet Money - Lemonade feat. Don Toliver, Gunna & Nav (Official Music Video) lemonade and cookies. We use cookies and other technologies to provide you with the best possible user experience and to personalize advertising on and off our website. In addition, our partners may use cookies or other technologies to provide you with marketing information.

how ? Easy isn’t it? That’s the make lemonade that you practice at home. Congratulations enjoy